Main advantages


Having dealt with the areas of application of the framework and the main advantages it gives to developers, it is time to consider other arguments that make programmers switch to jQuery.

Cross-platform and cross-browser compatibility

Thanks to jQuery, there is no need to worry about the syntax and peculiarities of interaction of different browsers and operating systems with the code due to the identical implementation of the framework in all environments.

By the way, the largest search engines have already switched to jQuery.
Speed of work with selectors and ease of use of AJAX
Independent tests demonstrate how fast jQuery is compared to similar libraries. And this is without using caches when you need to repeatedly access one element.

Lightning speed is achieved through the use of selectors – a mechanism for quickly accessing any object in an HTML document.

What is jQuery: where is it used and what advantages does it give to developers
The jQuery AJAX is implemented, in general, as a pair of post and get() functions, which promises different methods of sending data.

Even more functions

Want to expand the framework’s capabilities? You’re welcome. Download the appropriate extensions for it. Among all the plugins, there are a lot of extensions for sorting, selecting, moving, etc. elements.

There is a separate group of add-ons responsible for the graphical interface and page design (adding new windows, tooltips, autocomplete, animation, working with images).


You can connect jQuery as written in JavaScript from the Yandex or Google repository. All work with the library is done using the $ function and is divided into two types:

first, we get the desired object using the $() syntax by passing a CSS selector function that fits the criterion, then we process it using the desired method;
call the global methods of the object specified in the $() function.
The framework can be used only after the page is fully loaded on the user’s computer.

The framework has become a standard in web page development. It contains the functionality that most website developers need, which will not only speed up the work of pages and decorate them visually, but will also make them work equally on all operating systems and Internet browsers. To learn jQuery, you only need basic programming skills and knowledge of HTML and CSS basics. The missing tools can be easily implemented by downloading plugins and writing your own selectors.